Shorter models.
Due to their dimensions, the Hydroxeur® Florida 100, California 100 and Diane 100 are perfect for smaller rooms and also more affordable. Thanks to the Hydroxeur® principle, these hydrotherapy tubs are high class and offer a unique way to unwind at the end of the day.
The cladding for our Hydroxeur® tubs 100 series has got a new modern design.
Apart from the more attractive design, the new cladding offers further advantages:
The shower is integrated in the tub as an extensible shower.
A disinfection device can be installed in the tub, if requested.
Colour light option: 4 coloured high performance LED are hygienically even installed in the tub body. This homogenous light brings about a very beautiful, clear illumination of the tub body in all the colours of the rainbow.
For bathing persons that might need special help to get in and out of the tub, the Hydroxeur® can be equipped with a hand rail – this is also possible after delivery, on a later date.- Individually adjustable programms.
- Optional automatic filling, draining and cleaning (disfection).
- Many options and accessories available.