Couple bathtub
- Individually adjustable programms.
- Optional automized filling, draining and cleaning (disfection).
- Many options and accessories available.
Our Hydroxeur® couple bathtubs are unique worldwide. In the Rendezvous, two persons can lie down facing each other. This bath offers even four types of Wellness: colour light therapy, water and air massage, sound wave massage und aroma therapy.
You can indulge in the Rendezvous in Wellness centres, Spa suites or in the private relaxation oasis, it offers a quite extraordinary bathing experience.
Due to the high level of comfort, it is also optimally suited for the hotel suites. From the fragrant aroma therapy to thalasso applications, massages and relaxation baths.
The Rendezvous is providing massage for two bathing guests with 120 water and air nozzles. Most finely whirling air and water swirls of the surge bath bring about relaxation, recovery and new power. The air is admixed incomparably intensely through the Hydroxeur® principle and stays stored in the water for minutes (champagne effect).
Dive into the world of sound. Be it rock, pop, classic or special relaxation music, the sound is crystal clear. The bath tub serves as sound body and transmits the waves to the bathing guest. The music is perceived with unimagined intensity - by way of ear and body.
The flicker-free and spectral-pure sub water illumination of the integrated high-performance colour beamers is colouring the bath water with atmospheric rainbow colours. The colour light has a regenerating and vitalizing effect.