Switch and control unit for automatic changeover of gas mixers for a continuous gas flow
changeover to standby mixer at fault
changeover to emergency supply (bundle)
weekly change of gas mixers (constant efficiency)
during high production (high gas consumption) both mixers will be activated
intelligent control - the last selected gas supply will be activated after an emergency stop
compatible with WITT-gas mixers
quick and easy wall mounting
visual alarm
status indication by illuminated push-button and display
integrated emergency cut-out
Ex-version available
Operation / Usage:
for automatic changeover (switchover) of gas mixers for continuous gas withdrawal
applicable for switching an emergency supply
the changeover station is working superior
3 conditions are possible:
active - no fault ⇨ mixer active
standby - no fault ⇨ mixer not active
fault - fault is available ⇨ fault remedy / acknowledge
scope of operation
changeover to standby mixer at fault
changeover to emergency supply (bundle)
weekly change of gas mixers (constant efficiency)
during high production (high gas consumption) both mixers will be activated (additional pressure
transmitters required)
changeover in case of mixer calibration (full automatic calibration is required)
applicable solenoid valves for automatic changeover to emergency supply
potential-free contacts
audible alarm device
flashing beacon