Meniscus suture anchors

3 companies | 3 products
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meniscus suture anchor
meniscus suture anchor

... FiberStitch™ implant is an innovative all-inside meniscal repair system that replaces hard PEEK implants with soft suture sheaths. 2-0 FiberWire® suture provides secure arthroscopic ...

meniscus suture anchor
meniscus suture anchor

Neosys meniscal repair option are available to treat the wide range of meniscal tears encountered. Secure and reliable repairs are performed based on the tear location with the Neosys Meniscal ...

meniscus suture anchor
meniscus suture anchor
BFP series

• Attached UHMWPE # 2/0 suture. • Double PEEK Implants. • Adjustable self locking knotted suture system.

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