The rotation sealing machine PMK 4SS packages products in medical four-edge sealing bags. It reaches a yield of 400 bags/min, at a maximum sealing speed of 50 m/min. As a free-standing bag packaging unit, it can be quickly, reliably and reproducibly retrofitted for various bag sizes.
Modern balcony structure for optimum accessibility and maximum operator comfort
Width and separation of the feeding can be adjusted without tools
Fast and easy format adjustment (without format parts)
Can be operated as free-standing sealing machine or integrated into a production line
Crease-free sealing results
Easy qualification by optimal distribution of the sealing temperature and sealing pressure
Packaging machines
Labeling systems
Control systems
Aseptic bagging
Product packaging in bags plays an important role in product protection and in ensuring sterility. Sophisticated sealing and cutting components guarantee a high performance packaging process – from small to large format applications.
In-line printing
Products can be coded at various positions during the process. Film components or bag webs are printed with a batch code or information about the product quality. Harro Höfliger uses the popular systems thermotransfer, Inkjet or laser.
Sealing is one of the central processes when connecting several product layers. We apply several technologies for this process. Depending on the material characteristics, we use such applications as platen sealing, roller sealing (hot and cold), pulse sealing, ultrasonic sealing or thermal sealing.
Camera inspection
Position and location accuracy, products in the sealing area, color deviations