Echocardiography patient simulators

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2 companies | 3 products
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echocardiography patient simulator
echocardiography patient simulator

Elevate the ultrasound learning process CAE Vimedix is a high-fidelity simulator that facilitates the learning process for cardiac, lung, abdominal and OB-GYN ultrasound – all on one common platform. With its software ...

ultrasound imaging patient simulator
ultrasound imaging patient simulator

... decision-making for patient referral or discharge. BabyWorks PoCUS provides access to real patient-based training where doctors can work through cases independently and at their own pace. Tutors ...

See the other products
Intelligent Ultrasound
ultrasound imaging patient simulator
ultrasound imaging patient simulator

... education in cardiac anatomy and Echocardiography Developed by leading clinicians in cardiac anesthesiology; HeartWorks® is considered the most in-depth and realistic simulation in cardiac anatomy and echocardiography ...

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Intelligent Ultrasound
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